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Edelkrone SliderPlus PRO med action og target modul

560 DKK/día


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Gratis Wedio Global Coverage

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La cobertura global de Wedio siempre comienza a las 17:00 del día anterior al rodaje y finaliza a las 10:00 del día posterior al rodaje.

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Equipo totalmente cubierto

La cobertura global de Wedio está incluida en cada alquiler, protegiendo a los inquilinos y prestamistas.


Comunidad confiable

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Tripods, Support & Rigs


Dollies & Sliders


Lej vores Edelkrone SliderPlus PRO med action og target modul. Beskrivelse: The Action Module easily attaches to the slider and provides motorised, repeatable control to the slider movement. It has 5 modes: Wizard, Photo Timelapse, Video Timelapse, Stop Motion, and Macro. In Wizard mode, the slider records your manual slide and averages out the speed, resulting in a perfectly even slide each time. Very intuitive control coupled with shutter release cables for Canon 5D/1DC and Sony A7S/A7Sii enables the photo timelapse mode to create stunning hyperlapse sequences. If your camera has an internal timelapse function, use the Video Timelapse mode to create timed movement for your hyperlapse. Stop Motion mode gives you control over when to move the slider along. Macro mode reduced the top speed, giving you more scale between the slowest and fastest speeds. The Target Module also easily attaches to the slider and controls the Target motorised pan head (supplied). It has 3 modes: Target, Panoramic, and AutoPan. Once set up in Target mode, the module will keep your selected target in the same place in shot as the slider slides (thus "targeting" the subject). This is a great mode to introduce movement into your shot without the subject exiting the frame. Panoramic mode is the opposite to Target, where the Target head performs a pan (either left or right) while the slider slides. AutoPan mode is like an "egg timer" mode, useful for timelapse / hyperlapse. All in all this is an extremely compact, versatile and portable product!

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Información del prestamista

Frederik photo


København K , Dinamarca

Miembro desde 2019


28 tratos


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Edelkrone SliderPlus PRO med action og target modul

560 DKK/día


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Gratis Wedio Global Coverage

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La cobertura global de Wedio siempre comienza a las 17:00 del día anterior al rodaje y finaliza a las 10:00 del día posterior al rodaje.

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