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29 GBP/día
Gratis Wedio Global Coverage
Leer másLa cobertura global de Wedio siempre comienza a las 17:00 del día anterior al rodaje y finaliza a las 10:00 del día posterior al rodaje.
Pay in multiple installments
Equipo totalmente cubierto
La cobertura global de Wedio está incluida en cada alquiler, protegiendo a los inquilinos y prestamistas.
Comunidad confiable
Todos los miembros se someten a nuestro proceso de verificación para mantener segura a la comunidad de Wedio.
Ahorra dinero
Con las tarifas más bajas y alquileres hasta un 40 % más baratos que las casas de alquiler, puedes llevar tus proyectos más lejos por menos.
Comunidad de ideas afines
Conozca a los creadores y establezca conexiones ricas. Obtenga asesoramiento personal para su próximo proyecto y amplíe su red.
Alquila localmente
Ahorre tiempo accediendo al equipo adecuado y conozca a los creativos en su área. El equipo que necesita podría estar a un paso.
Canon EF
Sensor size
Full Frame
Max Video Resolution
Full HD
Production type
Still and Video
Good for
Cinematography, Travel, Wedding, YouTube, Live streaming, Portraits, Landscape, Birding, Food, Product, Night, Sports, Interviews, Documentary, Action, Real estate, Concert, Journalism, Music videos, Instagram, Vlogging, Selfies, Large group, Indoors, Outside, Podcast, Other
Hello, ✌ PLEASE ASK AVAILABILITY BEFORE BOOK! ⌚ CHECK MY PROFILE TO SEE OUR OFFICE OPENING HOURS Includes: - Canon Eos 5d Mark IV camera body - 3x Canon Batteries - 256 GB SD Card - 170mbs - Charger - Soft carry case Description: Canon has released the 5D Mark IV DSLR which is an outstanding still photography option and an able 4K-capable video machine. This multimedia maven offers a newly developed 30.4MP full-frame CMOS sensor paired with the DIGIC 6+ image processor in order to balance fine detail and resolution with low-light performance and sensitivity. It is able to work within a native range of ISO 100-32000, which can then be expanded to an impressive ISO 50-102400, for sharp, low-noise images in a variety of conditions. Along with these improvements to image quality, users will enjoy a performance boost across the board with an enhanced AF system, built-in Wi-Fi, NFC, and GPS, and much more. In order to deliver detailed images quickly and effectively the 5D Mark IV leverages the power of the DIGIC 6+ image processor, which can handle up to 7 frames per second during continuous shooting. It also uses a 150,000-pixel RGB+IR metering sensor to evaluate the scene and subjects for accurate exposures under a variety of different lighting conditions. An improved 61-point High Density Reticular AF furthers the camera's speed by tracking and locking onto subjects quickly and accurately for tack sharp photos. A new AF area select button is now available as well for near immediate access to this setting. ☑️ My equipment list: Tripods, Lights and many more click on my profile. ♟ Location: Se17 7 minute walk from Kennington underground station (Northern line). Delivery possible - Send me your address I will reply with cost CC free zone Any questions, feel free to get in touch!
Hasta un 40 % de descuento — todo equipo cubierto.
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29 GBP/día
Gratis Wedio Global Coverage
Leer másLa cobertura global de Wedio siempre comienza a las 17:00 del día anterior al rodaje y finaliza a las 10:00 del día posterior al rodaje.
Pay in multiple installments
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