Coverage up to £1,100
Free Wedio Global Coverage protects renters and lenders for up to £1,100 per rental.
30,000+ trusted members
All members are verified with national ID, address, previous experience, social presence.
Save up to 40% on all rentals
Wedio has the lowest fee among P2P platforms and is up to 40% cheaper than rental houses.
15,000+ productions supported
Exchange equipment or ideas, and make rich connections with local creators. Keep great stories alive.
Choose from 25,000+ listings
With largest local supply in Europe, the equipment you need could be around the corner.
DKK 5,000/day
Free Wedio Global Coverage
Read moreWedio Global Coverage always starts with 17:00 the day before the shoot and ends at 10:00 the day after the shoot.
Pay in multiple installments
Coverage up to £1,100
Free Wedio Global Coverage protects renters and lenders for up to £1,100 per rental.
30,000+ trusted members
All members are verified with national ID, address, previous experience, social presence.
Save up to 40% on all rentals
Wedio has the lowest fee among P2P platforms and is up to 40% cheaper than rental houses.
15,000+ productions supported
Exchange equipment or ideas, and make rich connections with local creators. Keep great stories alive.
Choose from 25,000+ listings
With largest local supply in Europe, the equipment you need could be around the corner.
Sony FS7-Pakke med Cine-optikker og drone inkl. professionel fotograf Pakken indeholder følgende: (Alt på billederne plus ekstra) Sony PXW-FS7 kamera + Viewfinder + Control arm Samyang Xeen Cinema Lens T3.1/ 14mm Samyang Xeen Cinema Lens T1.5/ 24mm Samyang Xeen Cinema Lens T1.5/ 35mm Sony E 4/PZ 18-110 G OSS Dynacore V-Mount Batteri DS 150-SI med ladekabel 3x Sony/Swit batterier med oplader Sony microport trådløs sæt URX-B03 med XLR og minijack, vindhætte Røde shotgun mikrofon NTG2 med langt og kort kabel, vindhætte, deadcat, holder og taske Sungun LEDGO E-116C / med batteri og oplader Hama V3 bracket - Multi cold-shoe mount Apature Monitor VS-2 FineHD med batteri, oplader og D-Tap kabel, HDMI-kabel og friktionsarm Cartoni stativ Focus 8S 2-stage alu kit m HF med taske 3x 128 GB Memory card 1x 64 GB Memory card Kortlæser Sony QDA-SB1 XQD USB Adapter med kabel Sennheiser HD 25 LIGHT Monitor Headphones Cinebags CB01 Production bag Mavic Pro 2, der skyder 4K 10-bit video eller 20 MP RAW billeder med det nye Hasselblad kamera. Jeg har dronecertifikat og kan dermed flyve i byen og er samtidig professionel filmfotograf. Prisen er for en dag på 8 timer. Skriv for tilbud på kortere eller længere dag. Tag endelig fat i mig, hvis pakken skal laves specielt til dig eller hvis du har spørgsmål til noget. ______________________
Save up to 40% — all rentals covered.
Choose from 19,500+ listings.
DKK 5,000/day
Free Wedio Global Coverage
Read moreWedio Global Coverage always starts with 17:00 the day before the shoot and ends at 10:00 the day after the shoot.
Pay in multiple installments
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