Coverage up to £1,100
Free Wedio Global Coverage protects renters and lenders for up to £1,100 per rental.
30,000+ trusted members
All members are verified with national ID, address, previous experience, social presence.
Save up to 40% on all rentals
Wedio has the lowest fee among P2P platforms and is up to 40% cheaper than rental houses.
15,000+ productions supported
Exchange equipment or ideas, and make rich connections with local creators. Keep great stories alive.
Choose from 25,000+ listings
With largest local supply in Europe, the equipment you need could be around the corner.
DKK 480/day
Free Wedio Global Coverage
Read moreWedio Global Coverage always starts with 17:00 the day before the shoot and ends at 10:00 the day after the shoot.
Pay in multiple installments
Coverage up to £1,100
Free Wedio Global Coverage protects renters and lenders for up to £1,100 per rental.
30,000+ trusted members
All members are verified with national ID, address, previous experience, social presence.
Save up to 40% on all rentals
Wedio has the lowest fee among P2P platforms and is up to 40% cheaper than rental houses.
15,000+ productions supported
Exchange equipment or ideas, and make rich connections with local creators. Keep great stories alive.
Choose from 25,000+ listings
With largest local supply in Europe, the equipment you need could be around the corner.
Production type
Dual Sony UWP-D27 kit med to DPA 4071-mikrofoner. Begge sendere og modtageren benytter to AA-batterier hver. Senderne holder op til 8 timer og modtageren holder op til 4,5 timer på ét sæt batterier. Der medfølger 3,5mm jack, XLR og mini-XLR til tilslutning til recorder/kamera. Batterier medfølger IKKE. 1x Sony URX-P41D 2x Sony UTX-B40 2x DPA SC4071-CORE-BM 2x DPA DAD6019 MicroDot adapter
1) Navergangen 1a, 2690 Karlslunde, Denmark
2) Brunevang 75, 2610 Rødovre, Danmark
3) Falkoner Alle 73B, 2000 Frederiksberg, Danmark
Gutterne er et videoproduktionsselskab med base i Karlslunde. Udstyr skal som udgangspunkt afhentes og afleveres i Karlslunde. Det er dog også muligt at afhente og aflevere på Frederiksberg og Rødovre efter aftale. Mangler du udstyr eller mandskab, er vi tilgængelige på Se vores udvalg af udstyr, her på Wedio.
Save up to 40% — all rentals covered.
Choose from 19,500+ listings.
DKK 480/day
Free Wedio Global Coverage
Read moreWedio Global Coverage always starts with 17:00 the day before the shoot and ends at 10:00 the day after the shoot.
Pay in multiple installments
Ask about availability