Coverage up to £1,100
Free Wedio Global Coverage protects renters and lenders for up to £1,100 per rental.
30,000+ trusted members
All members are verified with national ID, address, previous experience, social presence.
Save up to 40% on all rentals
Wedio has the lowest fee among P2P platforms and is up to 40% cheaper than rental houses.
15,000+ productions supported
Exchange equipment or ideas, and make rich connections with local creators. Keep great stories alive.
Choose from 25,000+ listings
With largest local supply in Europe, the equipment you need could be around the corner.
Free Wedio Global Coverage
Read moreWedio Global Coverage always starts with 17:00 the day before the shoot and ends at 10:00 the day after the shoot.
Pay in multiple installments
Coverage up to £1,100
Free Wedio Global Coverage protects renters and lenders for up to £1,100 per rental.
30,000+ trusted members
All members are verified with national ID, address, previous experience, social presence.
Save up to 40% on all rentals
Wedio has the lowest fee among P2P platforms and is up to 40% cheaper than rental houses.
15,000+ productions supported
Exchange equipment or ideas, and make rich connections with local creators. Keep great stories alive.
Choose from 25,000+ listings
With largest local supply in Europe, the equipment you need could be around the corner.
Canon EOS 5d Mkiii Camera Canon 24-70 mm f/2.8L II USM lens & Godox Flash | 5D Mark 3 | 5D MK3 Canon EOS 5d Mk 3 Camera, Canon 24-70 mm f/2.8L II USM and Godox V860ii Flashgun Combo Includes - Canon EOS 5d Mark III DSLR Camera (with Magic Lantern software addon) - Vertical Battery Grip - 2 Batteries - Dual USB charger - 128GB SanDisk Ultra SD Card - 32 GB SanDisk Extreme C.F Card - Canon 24-70 mm f/2.8L II USM lens - UV filter - Front and rear lens caps - Lens hood - Godox V860ii Speedlight - Mini Stand - Carry Pouch All Supplied in a padded camera bag
Your one stop shop for video, photography and AV equipment. Based in Hackney, a short distance from Homerton Station ☎️ 020 3897 0774 PLEASE CHECK AVAILABILITY BEFORE BOOKING Collection from / Return to Homerton E5 Collection & Return Hours: 8:00am-9:00pm Mon-Sun Late Returns (Over 24 hours from pick up) will incur an extra 1x day rental
Save up to 40% — all rentals covered.
Choose from 19,500+ listings.
Free Wedio Global Coverage
Read moreWedio Global Coverage always starts with 17:00 the day before the shoot and ends at 10:00 the day after the shoot.
Pay in multiple installments
Ask about availability