
Coverage up to £1,100

Free Wedio Global Coverage protects renters and lenders for up to £1,100 per rental.


30,000+ trusted members

All members are verified with national ID, address, previous experience, social presence.


Save up to 40% on all rentals

Wedio has the lowest fee among P2P platforms and is up to 40% cheaper than rental houses.


15,000+ productions supported

Exchange equipment or ideas, and make rich connections with local creators. Keep great stories alive.


Choose from 25,000+ listings

With largest local supply in Europe, the equipment you need could be around the corner.

Sony FX3 Cinema Line



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Free Wedio Global Coverage

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Wedio Global Coverage always starts with 17:00 the day before the shoot and ends at 10:00 the day after the shoot.

Pay in multiple installments


Coverage up to £1,100

Free Wedio Global Coverage protects renters and lenders for up to £1,100 per rental.


30,000+ trusted members

All members are verified with national ID, address, previous experience, social presence.


Save up to 40% on all rentals

Wedio has the lowest fee among P2P platforms and is up to 40% cheaper than rental houses.


15,000+ productions supported

Exchange equipment or ideas, and make rich connections with local creators. Keep great stories alive.


Choose from 25,000+ listings

With largest local supply in Europe, the equipment you need could be around the corner.









Sony E

Sensor size

Full Frame

Max Video Resolution


Production type


Good for



? Discover Cinematic Excellence ? Before you embark on your cinematic journey, ensure the stars align for your experience! ? ? Contact us first to check availability via message and discuss your pickup and drop-off times and location. Your film adventure begins with precision planning. ???️ ? Here's what awaits you: ? Full-frame prowess with unparalleled sensitivity and an expansive dynamic range. ? Powered by the cutting-edge BIONZ XR image-processing engine. ? Record jaw-dropping 4K (QFHD) high-frame-rate footage at 120fps. ? Dive into cinematic color science with the enchanting S-Cinetone. ?‍♂️ Enjoy enhanced mobility for your solo creative endeavors. ? Package Inclusions: 1️⃣ FX3 Cinema Line camera body. 2️⃣ Two original Sony FZ100 batteries. 3️⃣ Original Sony charger with a power cable. 4️⃣ USB-C cable for internal charging and data transfer. 5️⃣ Two 160 GB High-Speed Lexar Pro CFExpress cards. 6️⃣ A versatile cage compatible with XLR. 7️⃣ An XLR Handle. 8️⃣ XLR-Compatible Sony Shotgun ECM-XM1 Microphone. 9️⃣ XLR Handle Extension Rig. ? CFExpress Card reader, plus two USB-A and USB-C cables. For your convenience, pickup and drop-off timings can be found in our profile section. ? ? Remember, for a seamless experience, always inquire about availability before booking via message on our app. Your cinematic masterpiece awaits! ???

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Google maps

Praed St, London W2 1HU, UK


Multiple pickup points

The lender has multiple locations available for pickup. When you have made your request, you can decide what location to use, together with the lender.

Lender info

Mark Victory Rentals photo

Mark Victory Rentals

HAYES, United Kingdom

Member since 2022


1 deals


1 deals


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Mark Victory Rentals - Your Pathway to Cinematic Excellence! 🎥✨ At Mark Victory Rentals, we're dedicated to making your filmmaking dreams a reality. 🌟 Our mission is simple: To provide top-notch film equipment and accessories, tailored to your creative needs, all within a BUDGET-FRIENDLY PACKAGE. From state-of-the-art cameras to versatile lighting and sound gear, we've got your production covered. 🎬 Join countless filmmakers who trust us for quality, affordability, and unmatched service. 🤝 Discover a world of cinematic possibilities with Mark Victory Rentals. Lights, camera, action! 🌠🎞️

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Why should I rent?

Hire equipment from 20,000+ creators

Save up to 40% — all rentals covered.

How Gustav uses Wedio

Access pro equipment in your area

Choose from 19,500+ listings.

How Yaw uses Wedio

Sony FX3 Cinema Line



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Free Wedio Global Coverage

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Wedio Global Coverage always starts with 17:00 the day before the shoot and ends at 10:00 the day after the shoot.

Pay in multiple installments

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Ask about availability


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