Coverage up to £1,100
Free Wedio Global Coverage protects renters and lenders for up to £1,100 per rental.
30,000+ trusted members
All members are verified with national ID, address, previous experience, social presence.
Save up to 40% on all rentals
Wedio has the lowest fee among P2P platforms and is up to 40% cheaper than rental houses.
15,000+ productions supported
Exchange equipment or ideas, and make rich connections with local creators. Keep great stories alive.
Choose from 25,000+ listings
With largest local supply in Europe, the equipment you need could be around the corner.
Free Wedio Global Coverage
Read moreWedio Global Coverage always starts with 17:00 the day before the shoot and ends at 10:00 the day after the shoot.
Pay in multiple installments
Coverage up to £1,100
Free Wedio Global Coverage protects renters and lenders for up to £1,100 per rental.
30,000+ trusted members
All members are verified with national ID, address, previous experience, social presence.
Save up to 40% on all rentals
Wedio has the lowest fee among P2P platforms and is up to 40% cheaper than rental houses.
15,000+ productions supported
Exchange equipment or ideas, and make rich connections with local creators. Keep great stories alive.
Choose from 25,000+ listings
With largest local supply in Europe, the equipment you need could be around the corner.
Drones without pilot
Production type
Still and Video
Good for
Cinematography, Travel, Wedding, YouTube, Landscape, Journalism, Music videos
DJI Mavic Pro - Your Flying Camera for Extraordinary Shots ------------------------------------------- 1 DJI Mavic Pro briefcase 2 DJI Mavic 3 Battery 1 Micro SD 128GB 1 Ipad (+ holder) 1 USB A - Apple Lighting 1 DJI Remote 1 DJI Mavic 3 Battery Charger ------------------------------------------- DJI Mavic Pro Push the boundaries of aerial photography with the DJI Mavic Pro drone. This compact, powerful drone combines portability with advanced aerial photography. Capture stunning images from the air with unprecedented stability and precision. Discover the world of captivating aerial photography with the DJI Mavic Pro. -------------------------------------------
Ragil Studios is part of W.Operations. The company was founded in the late 2020s. Where it started as a hobby, it has become work. Ragil Studios is in the business of creating compelling stories in the form of photography and video marketing. Everything is about storytelling. Nothing is crazy enough for Ragil Studios. Let's keep visualising stories!
Save up to 40% — all rentals covered.
Choose from 19,500+ listings.
Free Wedio Global Coverage
Read moreWedio Global Coverage always starts with 17:00 the day before the shoot and ends at 10:00 the day after the shoot.
Pay in multiple installments
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